I have always been an active person, however as my career took off so did my weight! Joining Prime Strength + Conditioning in March 2014 was my decision to get back to where I wanted to be and I haven’t looked back. Jesse took me on as a client and I have been so pleased with the quality of Prime’s service delivery. Jesse really cares about his clients and has done a great job at creating an “average joe’s gym” feeling where everyone and every body type is accepted while also maintaining high quality of service to achieving targeted personalized goals and objectives.
My initial goal was to lose weight, 30 lbs, and re-shape my body and so far I have blown my targets away and lost over 45 lbs! I plan to keep on pushing myself past all of the milestones I never thought I’d meet. Jesse helped me take one step at a time and more importantly is helping me work through the fears we put on ourselves that cripple us from reaching and doing more than we ever thought possible!
~ Nathalie *